About Us

Suzy Nairn has been delivering therapeutic sound events, classes, treatments, workshops and training since 2009 when she launched Soundsphere, following a two-year professional Diploma Practitioner in Sound Therapy.

Her sessions are known to be highly supportive, deeply healing and powerfully transformational. Her delivery style is friendly, warm, knowledgeable and intuitive.

Feedback from clients regularly mentions how beautiful her sound sessions are, and how supported and safe the guests feel.

Suzy Nairn
Suzy Nairn

Throughout this time Suzy also explored her own interests and trained as a Priestess of the Moon, took part in an Isis Immersion, integrated the Queen Codes and Rose Codes, and undertook a Venus Metamorphis programme through the Goddess Rising Mystery School.

She has also been initiated to run Goddess Empowerment sessions and is a Pellowah facilitator, Merlin Vortex Healer and brings all of these aspects into her healing work.

Suzy is passionate about Sound as a healing tool and has witnessed deep relaxation, reduced blood pressure, reduced aches and pains and tension, an increased ability to cope with life and many other benefits for clients. She is based in Peebles in Scotland where she offers many powerful online sessions (treatments, groups and courses) from her Soundsphere Studio and in person events in her yurt “Casa Colibri”, home of the Hummingbird.

She has always been passionate about music and although never formally trained in any instrument, she is a singer in a local band and now has launched her own music project Susaidh to release her original songs and compositions.

Suzy Nairn sound therapist
Suzy Nairn, Sound Therapist

Suzy’s previous career was in environmental education and charity work and was the Adult Education Manager at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh for 16 years ensuring quality control and delivery of top-level courses to a mixture of audiences. 

She also delivered exhibitions, PR and Marketing for Conservation Volunteers Ireland, was an Awards Officer for the Scottish Arts Council, and a Production Co-ordinator with Festival Revue in Edinburgh.

Suzy invites you now to join her at one of her events and looks forward to meeting you!

Rosemary Gold

Rosemary Gold

Rosemary is a former primary school teacher with 32 years of teaching experience with all stages of primary pupils and various areas of responsibility over the years, including latterly health and well-being coordinator.

Rosemary joined the Soundsphere team in 2019 to specifically help deliver and co-ordinate the primary schools programme Tapestry of Sound. The programme has received funding from Creative Scotland to initially run in West Lothian schools and we are delighted to now be developing ways that the programme can be accessed for more schools across Scotland and beyond.

Lynne Walker

Lynne Walker

Lynn joined the Soundsphere team in March 2021 as Admin Assistant and her main focus is on customer liaison, production of the monthly newsletter and ensuring smooth and efficient systems to support the delivery of all of the Soundsphere projects.

Lynn is a qualified therapist herself and has trained in Reiki, Massage, Hypnotherapy and NLP.

Lynn is delighted to join Soundsphere to help support the aims of reaching more and more people with therapeutic sound and easing their way in life.

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